- C4I, Communication Systems
- Counter-measures, Electronic Warfare and Decoys
- Electrical, Electronics & Electro-optics
- Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)
- Weapons & Ammunition
Tactical Missiles Corporation joint stock company (JSC) was established in accordance with Federal Target Program such as “Restructuring and development of Defense Industry Complex” (2002-2006 years) and Presidential Decree n. 84 dated 24 January 2002.
The Corporation as an integrated structure was formed on the basis of a reorganized federal state unitary enterprise “State research and production centre “Zvezda-Strela” (Korolev) in “Tactical Missiles Corporation”JSC. During such reorganization process the Corporation received shares from enterprises included in Defense Industry Complex. Establishment registration of the Corporation was finished in March 2003. The Corporation includes some 30 companies.
Strategic targets which lead to the Corporation establishment consisted in keeping and developing of missilery’s research and production capacity, supplying national defense capability, resource mobilization needed for highly effective guided missiles and air-based, ground-based, sea-based weapon systems production, also in strengthening military positions of Russia in world armament market.
Airborne weaponry
The enterprises of the corporation offer wide range of airborne weaponry. The head enterprise of the corporation manufactures high-speed airborne guided missiles such as Kh-31and presented by Kh-31P anti-radiation (Kh-31PK – its further updated version) and anti-ship missiles like Kh-31A adapted under different type of carriers (ship, coastal and air), anti-ship guided missiles such as Kh-35E (3M-24E – version to deliver in container).
The enterprise also delivers guided air-to surface missiles, as well as surface-to-air missiles for air-defense systems. Moreover, “State Machine Building Design Bureau “Vympel” company manufacturers: passive jamming ejection units (UV-30MK), airborne launching and ejection units (AKU-170E and more), units of unguided missiles and more.
“State Machine Building Design Bureau “Vympel” by name I.I. Toropov” JSC is the leading Russian developer and manufacturer of guided missiles of air-to-air type, specially oriented on use in close-in dogfight such as R-73E(EL) (short-range missile); of middle and large range such as RVV-AE; R-27R1(ER1); R-27P(EP); R-27T1(ET1); R-33E. The enterprise also delivers guided missiles of air-to-surface type and surface-to-air type for air defense systems. Besides, State Machine Building Design Bureau “Vympel” manufactures: UV-30MK passive jamming ejection device,
Nowdays, “Raduga State Machine Building Design Bureau” JSC manufactures guided weaponry of wide range such as Ovod-ME missile system with Kh-59ME missile, Kh-59MK long-range guided missile, and also Kh-58E air-to- radar stations and many others.
One of main activities of Research & Production Enterprise “Region” JSC is manufacture of corrected and guided air bombs (KAB and UAB) with different guidance systems.
Samples and weaponry systems for Navy
The other main activity of the corporation’s enterprises is engineering works for the use of Navy. Today, ship missile systems are delivered for the use by Russian Navy ships as well as for the use by ships of foreign states: «Moskit-Е» high-speed anti-ship guided missile 3М-80Е (by “Raduga State Machine Building Design Bureau” JSC); «Uran-E» with anti-ship missiles 3М-24E (the head enterprise).
The “Bal-E” coastal mobile missile system with anti-ship guided missiles 3M-24E (by “Machine Building Design Bureau” enterprise) has been put through firing and it is on operation on Navy ships. “Machine Building Design Bureau” enterprise also specializes in development of torpedo weaponry for surface ships, passive jamming devices and many other types of weaponry.
Research & Production Enterprise “Region” JSC manufactures the following weaponry: Shkval-E weapon system with high speed underwater missile; Paket-E/NK small sized antisubmarine system with anti-torpedo has two torpedoes. The small-sized heat-seaking torpedo is designed to engage enemy submarines, and the anti-torpedo is designed to intercept and destroy attackin g torpedoes; APR-3E (“Orel-M”) airborne anti-submarine missile, “Zagon-1” anti-submarine corrected air bomb and some other weaponry.
The base of product engineering services covers all product life cycle, starting from design drafting, prototype production, carrying out all types of testing, serial production, repair and coming up to products upgrading; meantime, when product working life over it goes through recycling process services. The corporation has the certificate of right to perform foreign trade operations with military-purpose products concerning training of personnel, maintenance and repair of samples previously delivered, as well as delivery of spare parts, training and warlike stores.
Civilian Production
Since the first year of its foundation Tactical Missiles Corporation JSC has been developing and manufacturing not merely main products, i.e. tactical missiles and missile systems, but consumer goods and items for various industrial fields as well.
Nowadays Tactical Missiles Corporation JSC, integrating 18 leading defense enterprises of Russia, manufactures the following competitive products: Aircraft equipment; Medical equipment; Fire security systems; Control equipment; Devices for the railway transport; Communication equipment; Heating equipment; Electrical instruments; Complicated electronic and optical systems; Equipment for the aerospace industry; Industrial sewing equipment; Agricultural equipment; A wide range of consumer products and souvenirs.
Tactical Missiles Corporation
- , Moscow, Russia
- kmo@ktrv.ru
- www.ktrv.ru/