Dutch Biotech Micreos 'Alternative to Antibiotics' Wins Ideas From Europe Finals

THE HAGUE, Netherlands, April 26, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --

In the iconic Hall of Knights, packed with public and policymakers, Dutch biotech Micreos 'sustainable alternative to antibiotics' was chosen as Europe's most relevant innovation, at the finals of the EU's Ideas from Europe competition. Ideas from Europe is a European initiative that facilitates sustainable innovations aimed at addressing global challenges. 

(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/682961/Ideas_from_Europe_Finalists.jpg )

In the presence of Mrs. Elsbieta Bienkowska, European Commissioner Internal Market, Industry, Entrepeneurship and SMEs, and Mrs. Mona Keijzer, State Secretary Economic Affairs & Climate Policy, 12 finalists pitched their inspiring innovations to tackle global challenges, such as healthcare challenges, climate change, immigration, bullying, food waste, extinction of species and renewable energy. Public and policymakers at the Knights Hall then chose their most impactful innovation.

With Micreos' endolysin technology, for the first time it is possible to kill only the unwanted bacteria, regardless of antibiotic resistance. Contrary to existing antibiotics it leaves the beneficial bacteria - essential for our health - intact, preserving the microbiome.

Micreos CEO Mark Offerhaus: "Antibiotic-resistance is an enormous global problem. We've already been able to help over 50.000 people suffering from inflammatory skin diseases such as eczema, acne and rosacea, and wound infections caused by the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, including the resistant MRSA, but millions can and should benefit. Patients and policymakers need to take their responsibility. There is no need to wait and there is no time to lose."

Watch Finals pitch by Micreos CEO Mark Offerhaus:  


Ideas from Europe 

Ideas from Europe is a European platform aimed at promoting the development of ideas for society's major challenges. The concept behind Ideas from Europe is that the involvement of the public at large can propel relevant breakthrough innovation (http://www.ideasfrom.eu ).

About Micreos 

Micreos (http://www.micreos.com) develops endolysin- and phage technology that enables targeted killing of only unwanted bacteria. The company is considered the leader in this exciting new field. Micreos runs its own production and R&D centre for endolysins in Bilthoven (Human Health) and for phages ( food safety) in Wageningen. The company works together with ETH Zurich and numerous medical and technology centres, including Erasmus MC (Rotterdam), Public Health Lab Kennemerland, the Dutch Burn Centres (Beverwijk) and many others. Gladskin is a Micreos Human Health brand (http://www.gladskin.com).

For further information: Dirk de Meester: +31-6-46048503 - d.demeester@micreos.com


SOURCE Micreos