Telehealth addiction treatment offers exceptional outcomes for pregnant people with opioid use disorder

A new study from Workit Health, published in the JAMA Open Network, supports telehealth as a treatment option for those struggling with opioid use disorder during pregnancy.

ANN ARBOR, Mich., March 14, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Workit Labs, the research and development arm of Workit Health, today published a promising analysis of patients who were pregnant and received telehealth treatment for opioid use disorder. As opioid use disorder (OUD) is a growing risk factor for perinatal death, research in this field is increasingly vital.

It can be challenging for people who are pregnant and living with opioid use disorder to find addiction treatment. This study provides a hopeful avenue for treating maternal OUD moving forward.

In this study, 79.8% of participants received continuous medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) throughout pregnancy--with 8% of them transferring to prenatal providers and 92% continuing to receive MOUD via telehealth. Among the 92% who stayed in telehealth treatment, the vast majority (94.2%) remained in treatment through 6-weeks post-pregnancy, and all of them tested positive for buprenorphine in post-pregnancy urine drug screens. Retention in care and adherence to prescribed medication have been shown to reduce relapse and overdose, so these outcomes provide excellent support for the use of telehealth MOUD to treat pregnant people who struggle with opioids. Before this study from Workit Labs, the only comparable study was based within an obstetric practice rather than one for addiction treatment. Despite the difference in practice specialty, the findings were nearly identical.

"The United States suffers from a maternal health crisis, which is fueled, in part, by the devastating impacts of substance use," said senior author and Workit Health Director of Research Marlene C. Lira, MPH. "The compelling outcomes of our telemedicine model speak to the promise of low-barrier, patient-led, and technology-integrated care for this high-risk population."

The use of MOUD, including buprenorphine, is safe and effective, reduces maternal mortality, and is supported by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. However, pregnant people face barriers to treatment and are subject to increased stigma for substance use that often stops them from seeking treatment. It has been suggested that the privacy and flexibility of telehealth might decrease stigma and increase access to care for this population, but until now, outcomes hadn't been reported for pregnant patients receiving treatment for opioid use disorder from a non-obstetric, telemedicine-based program. The study was funded by a Small Business Innovation Research contract from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Workit Health has provided telehealth MOUD treatment via app-based clinical programs since 2017. The company's harm reduction focus intentionally strives to reduce stigma and promote positive recovery steps.

"It can be extremely challenging for people who are pregnant and living with opioid use disorder to find addiction treatment," said Lira. "Many providers are unwilling to treat opioid use disorder, let alone in individuals who are pregnant, and even then stigma can be a major barrier. This study provides a hopeful avenue for treating maternal OUD moving forward."

About Workit Health

Founded in 2015 by two women in recovery, Workit Health has been addressing substance use disorders using a virtual-first model for eight years and has provided care for over 23,000 members across 20 states. The Workit clinical program includes video visits with licensed clinicians, e-prescribing for substance use disorders and comorbid conditions, and psychosocial, therapeutic support. Workit's innovative technology removes barriers and expands access to evidence-based, person-centered treatment for people struggling with drugs and alcohol, improving outcomes and reducing costs.

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