IDrive Backup Adds Cloud-to-Cloud Backup for Google Personal Account Data

LOS ANGELES, March 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- IDrive Backup, an award winning cloud backup service offering, has introduced cloud-to-cloud IDrive Backup for Google personal accounts, enabling users to safeguard all of the critical data that resides in their Google suite of products.

By incorporating Google personal backup into the service, IDrive Backup now offers seamless backup and protection for Google personal accounts, ensuring that users can secure their valuable Google data with ease. This integration allows users to backup their Google Drive files, Gmail messages, photos, and more directly through the IDrive interface.

With this new offering, users can have peace of mind that all of their documents, sheets, photos, videos, presentations, email accounts, calendars, and contacts are all protected from any type of potential data loss disasters, while maintaining anytime access to those files and the ability to restore if the file is lost.

Features of IDrive Backup for Google personal data include:

    --  Automated Backups - Keep data safe from accidental deletion, file
        corruption, cyber threats, and malware or ransomware attacks with 3x
        automated backups.
    --  Direct Backup and Recovery - Restore backed-up Google data directly from
        IDrive without having any dependency on your Google account.
    --  Seamless Retention - Secure user information with 24x7 data protection
        and multiple intuitive snapshot schedules for all files, presentations,
        and email attachments.
    --  Granular Recovery - Search and restore individual files, entire folders,
        images, videos, emails, contacts and calendars at a granular level.
    --  Three-fold Data Protection - 3x times automatic backups daily, AES
        256-bit encrypted transfer and storage, and inbuilt security tools for
        comprehensive data safety.
    --  Deleted Data Restore - Recover the deleted or corrupted files and
        folders to your account directly or download them on your device.

IDrive backup provides comprehensive data protection, ensuring that all personal Google data is backed up, and eliminating the risk of accidental deletion, ransomware attacks, or service outages. With a user friendly, intuitive interface, users are able to easily manage and restore their backups, empowering them to quickly recover data whenever necessary.

This integration further solidifies IDrive's position as a trusted provider of data backup solutions. Users can now enjoy the convenience of backing up their Google Personal accounts alongside their existing backup routine, all within IDrive's user-friendly platform.

This new feature is now available to all IDrive users starting at $20/year for 10TB of storage space as an additional add-on or single account for the same pricing.

About IDrive

IDrive Inc. is a privately held company specializing in cloud storage, online backup, file sharing, remote access, compliance and related technologies. Core services include IDrive®, IDrive® e2, RemotePC(TM) and IBackup®. The company's services help over 4 million customers back up over 500 Petabytes of data.

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SOURCE IDrive Inc.