- Aircraft, Helicopter, UAV, Spacecraft & related equipment
- C4I, Communication Systems
- Electrical, Electronics & Electro-optics
- IT, Computing and Software
- Military, Tactical, Logistic Support Vehicles & related equipment
TTTech Computertechnik AG is the leading supplier of technology in the field of time-triggered systems and Time-Triggered Protocol (TTP®). TTTech provides standard software and hardware complemented by individual services to efficiently develop, prototype, and implement distributed embedded systems. TTTech's products and technology revolutionize the approach of automotive and aerospace industries to safety-critical data communication with respect to cost, safety, and development efficiency.
TTTech provides customers utilizing the Time-Triggered Technology with first-rate products and services for the development of embedded systems:
- Readily available software and hardware products
- Extensive suite of software development tools
- Chip models available for all semiconductor manufacturers
Professional service team offering:
- Comprehensive development support
- Support for prototyping solutions and system architecture design
- Software and hardware engineering
The Time-Triggered Protocol (TTP) is a fault-tolerant high-speed communication data bus for distributed embedded real-time systems. It provides a data rate of up to 25Mbs and a data efficiency of up to 85%, has been mathematically verified by leading universities and research institutes, and allows for composability and smooth integration.
The Time-Triggered Architecture (TTA) provides a two-level design framework with a clear separation between system and subsystem. At the system level, the integrator defines the subsystem functions and specifies the communication interfaces precisely in the value and time domains. At the subsystem level, the component supplier retains complete control over all hardware and software design decisions as long as he complies with these interfaces. The unambiguous interface specification enhances ease of integration, quality, and reusability of the developed products. Composability of this architecture prevents the occurrence of unintended integration effects and eases the management of complexity.
The separation of responsibilities inherent in TTA translates directly into significant benefits for all parties involved. It prevents the omission of essential functions as well as the duplication of efforts, which avoids potentially conflicting implementations and leads to higher-quality systems. For both system integrator and subsystem suppliers, the separation of responsibilities reduces the potential for conflicts and the communication overhead, thus leading to shorter time-to-market and lower cost.
TTTech Computertechnik AG
- Schoenbrunner Strasse 7, Vienna , Austria
- +43 1 5853434 0
- +43 1 5853434 90
- office@tttech.com
- www.tttech.com