- Composites, Plastics & Rubber
- Metal Processing, Parts & Components
- Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)
- Weapons & Ammunition
SME Ordnance (SMEO), a member of NADI Group of Companies, formerly known as Syarikat Malaysia Explosive Sdn Bhd. (MALEX), was first established in 1969 as a manufacturer of small calibre ammunition for its national defense needs.
With its fervent commitment towards maintaining standards of the highest quality, coupled with its positive track record and enhanced technical skills garnered over its more than 30 years of experience, SMEO has today become a leading home grown manufacturer of defense related products for the Malaysian and global defense industry.
SMEO's production scope now includes the manufacturing of a broad range of small and large calibre ammunition products, pyrotechnics, wood and lead based accessories and products as well as providing selected specialized services such as refurbishment of old ammunition.
As testament to its reputation as a reliable and quality driven defense manufacturer, SMEO was awarded several internationally recognised accolades including the preferred supplier of the guns and ammunition business of Royal Ordnance by British Aerospace (United Kingdom). SMEO was also awarded the MS ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Systems Requirements by SIRIM.
Member of:
Malaysian Plastics Manufacturers Association
Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
The full product list includes:
Pyrotechnic & Grenades
Grenade Hand Col. Smoke1V
Grenade Hand Col. Smoke 1V(Blue)
Grenade Hand Col. Smoke 1V(Yellow)
Grenade Hand Col. Smoke 1V (White)
Grenade Hand Col. Smoke 1V (Green)
Mini Flares (set of six)
Wire Tripflares
Day&Night SignalDistress
Flare Ground IndicatingYellow
Aviation Smoke Generator
"Signal Cartridge1""/26.5mm"
"Signal Cartridge 11/2mm""/28mm"
Cart C.S Anti Riot 38mm
Grenade Hand C.S Anti Riot
Grenade Hand HighExplosives
Detonating Cord
Electric Detonator
Non Electric Detonator
Safety Fuze' (per meter)
Handflare Red Para
Large Calibre Ammunition
Scare Charge Demolition TNT 1lb
Scare Charge Demolition 10lbs
Charge Demolition 25 lbs
Rounds 40mm L70 HEI-T
Rounds 40mm L70 TP-T
Rounds 57mm L70 TP
Rounds 76mm L62 TP-T
Mortar Bomb 60mm MAPAM
Mortar Bomb 81mm HE (7 lb)
Rounds 84mm HEAT
Rounds 90mm HE-T
Rounds 90mm HESH-T
Rounds 90mm HESH-T
Rounds 90mm HEAT-TP-T
Rounds 105mm HE MI PH(Fuzed)
Rounds 105mm HE MI PH(Plugged))
Cartridge 105mm Blank
Rounds 155mm HE M107
Cast Booster 250g TK 1
Cast Booster 500g TK 2
Small Arm Ammunition
5.56mm Ball M193(Loose/Link)
5.56mm Tracer M196
5.56mm Ball M855/SS109
5.56mm Blanks (Long Nose)
5.56mm Blanks M200
7.62mm Ball
7.62mm Link Belt (4B1T)
9mm Ball (Luger/Parabellum)
.38 Special (Lead RoundNose)
12 Gauge Shotgun Cartridge
Rimba (32g)
Rimba Field Load (30g)
Arena 7.5&9 (24g)
Rimba BB (34g)
Mega 1 Buck (34g)
Mega OOB (34g)
Mega High Velocity OOB (34g)
Brenneke Slug (36g)
Pemburu (36g)
Medium Calibre Ammunition
12.7mm APHIC/IT
20mm HEI-T
25mm TP-T
25mm MPT-SD
30mm ADEN TP
35mm TP-T
35mm HEI-T
SME Ordnance Sdn. Bhd. (SMEO)
- Lot 5065, Locked Bag No. 101, Selangor, Malaysia
- +603 6035 2521
- +603 6035 2645 / 2029
- sales@smeordnance.com
- http://www.smeordnance.com.my/