- Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)
L.K. ENGINEERING (LKE) s.r.o., has been providing design and detailed analysis services in wide range of industrial engineering. Company activity is focused on structural analyses of mechanical components, consultations in problem solving and special calculation methodology development.
LKE provides services to diverse groups of clients including developers, owners, and design companies. By means of advanced computational technologies, deep knowledge, and own experience, LKE helps to increase competitiveness and reliability of customer's products while reducing development costs.
Contact info #1
In the area of stress analyses the company provides stress results in 2-D or 3-D finite element models. Based on the analyzed stresses the company can propose the structure modifications to satisfy the design and operation requirements or propose more effective solution to increase lifetime and reduce the product price.
Analysis Types:
Static analysis
Material/geometrical linearity and non-linearity Lifetime calculation
Low cycle fatigue
high cycle fatigue Crack propagation analysis Structure optimization to maximize lifetime
Reduce weight
Reduce cost Combined problems
Large assemblies including friction effects
Complex contact analyses
Hyperelasticity: rubber components
- Design or confi guration change to satisfy requirements for weight, cost, lifetime and structural strength.
- Designs comparison pafter the material, manufacturing technology or geometry change, investigating impact on the component strength, lifetime, deformation, etc.
- Lifetime calculation based on low cycle fatigue analysis for components with local plastic deformation (number of cycles to crack initiation).
- Modeling of the crack propagation inside the structure and the residual lifetime calculation.
LKE has extensive experience in calculation of the heat transfer including conduction, convection and radiation effects. An appropriate modification of structure can be proposed based on the thermal analysis to optimize the heat flow and increase lifetime of the product.
Analyses Types:
Heat transfer
By convection
By conduction
By radiation Time effect history
Steady state
Transient Combination with other analyses
Flow analysis of high temperature exhaust gas or cooling fluid
Calculated temperature distribution is an input for the structural analysis
- Thermal loading of the structure deformation and stress due to non-uniform temperature distribution.
- Temperature distribution in the assembly
- Cooling of components heated by ambient conditions or by electric current.
- Heating of components or fluid, heat transfer in boilers or heat exchangers.
- Thermal analysis provides input data for the structural and fatigue analysis.
LKE provides modal analyses, response spectrum analyses, seismic and dynamic transient analyses. Based on these analyses we are able to predict or extend the lifetime of the anlyzed structures in consideration of dynamic effects or to eliminate vibrations.
Analyses Types:
Free vibration
Modal analysis (natural frequencies) Forced vibration
Harmonic response analysis
Transient analysis
Spectrum analysis Operating machines repairs
Vibration source identification
Vibration elimination Failure cause identification
Critical location analysis
Impact of vibration on the failure analysis Seismic analyses
According to ASME Code, EN Eurocode, ISO
- Resonance elimination
- - calculation of component or assembly natural frequencies. The target is to tune the structure so that the natural frequencies are away from excitation frequencies.
- Response to forced vibration analysis
- - response analysis to the forced vibration identifies critical locations which are further evaluated according to applicable requirements.
- Seismic qualification
- - Components qualification to a seismic loading according to appropriate Code. Dynamic analysis provides
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis is one of the most complex tasks in mechanical engineering. Physical experiment in fluid dynamic is cost and time consuming. Using numerical flow simulation seems to be very good alternative method.
In this area we use both commercial products as well as we develop our own software focused on compressible fluid flow computations.
Analyses Types:
External aerodynamics
Flow around external bodies
Aeronautical, automotive configurations, civil structures Internal aerodynamics
Flow inside of internal chambers, channels, etc. Hydrodynamics
Flow of liquid phase Fluid/Structure Interaction
Fluid induced vibration and deformation
Heat transfer due to a convection Development of advanced physical models
- Comparison of aerodynamic parameters for different geometrical and flow configurations.
- Optimization of pressure loss in internal flow.
- Flow analysis of rotating machines such as fans, compressors or turbines – axial or radial.
- Loading of structures due to a weather conditions.
- Heat transfer calculation during cooling or heating of components due to forced or natural convection.
L.K. Engineering s.r.o.
- Videnska 55 639 00, Brno, Czechia
- +420 543 215 681