- IT & Telecommunications
ATG, is considered a leader in Kuwait market when it comes to system integration, manpower and service outsourcing, application development and IT contracting. The core business of the company is the products, solutions and services it offers, which are based on advanced and powerful technologies available in the market.
ATG ensures the flexibility to implement these technologies in different sectors: from the small and medium market sector, up to the large corporate accounts and government agencies. ATG achieves its business through professional project management, market knowledge, customer relations and its partners’ market share, to gain an excellent market position in a relatively limited time span.
To reinforce and sustain its position in the market, ATG makes significant investments in its human resources. Technical, sales and management training and certification are the focus of the company’s executive management. ATG religiously believes that investing in its people is the most important element for its future growth and its ability to provide the professional level of service its clients deserves.
Choosing the right technology infrastructure can be a daunting task. ATG’s clients are investing in their data centers, protecting their data and facilitating the safe exchange of knowledge within the organization. The whole setup and its transactions need to be in a connected and secure environment. ATG helps its clients build the required infrastructure, whether it is software, hardware, networking, security or otherwise. It has the background, tools and vision to help in the selection and implementation of the ultimate solutions – solutions that are tailored and handpicked for each client, taking into account performance requirements, budget size, future growth, and integration with legacy systems.
From large oil companies to security services; from universities to banks; from ministries to the armed forces, Al-Alamiah’s customers are as wide and as diversified as the regions Al-Alamiah Group covers throughout the Arab World and the West.
Al-Alamiah supplies its clients with the ideal integrated solutions; be it creating infrastructures, building networks, installing platforms or setting up software. Al-Alamiah also provides highly qualified training personnel, excellent after sales services and IT support that meet the highest standards.
Because Al-Alamiah fully comprehends the needs and requirements of the IT industry, it has undertaken the execution of numerous projects and provided countless solutions, exceeding customer expectations and fulfilling clients’ ambitions.
With its extensive experience in a variety of diversified fields, clients of Al-Alamiah are certain they made the best choice.
Al-Alamiah Technology Group - المجموعة العالمية للتكنولوجيا
- +965 2224 5552
- +965 2 224 552
- info@alalamiah.com
- www.alalamiah.com