Last Update September 3, 2018


  • Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)

The Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito, is a private higher education institution committed to the preparation of highly qualified professionals, educated with high scientific and technical standards enriched by a humanistic core.

The institution understands that one of its main goals is to prepare professionals capable of dealing with the problems concerning the world today. Engineering graduates should be able to design solutions that fit the particular needs of their own societies and also to take part on a globalized and competitive work market.

All the activities developed in the Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito address issues related to Colombian reality, the most urgent needs of the world today and the role and responsibilities of the future engineer, economist and business administrator in the context of a globalized world.

The institution’s academic community is formed by more than 4000 students, enrolled in 16 graduate programs, 10 undergraduate programs and 2 departments.

Brief history

Founded in 1972 by a group of outstanding teachers from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, the Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito was created as an institution dedicated to the preparation of highly qualified engineers educated with optimal scientific and technical standards enhanced by a humanistic background.

The name of the institution comes from the notorious Colombian engineer, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher Julio Garavito Armero, who is considered one of the most important scientists born in the country.

The institution began its activities with two programs, Civil and Electrical Engineering. Throughout the years, different programs were created, motivated by the needs of the country and its educational system. The current undergraduate programs aside the ones already mentioned are:

  • Systems Engineering,
  • Electronic Engineering,
  • Industrial Engineering,
  • Mechanical Engineering,
  • Economics,
  • Business Administration,
  • Biomedical Engineering,
  • Mathematics.

The Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito has also 16 graduate programs including Master Degrees on Civil Engineering, Project Management, Electronics, Information Management, and Industrial Engineering. 

Mission Statement

The institution’s mission is to contribute to the society through the development of the individual and the improvement of the scientific and humanistic knowledge by means of a relevant and comprehensive education within the context of the Colombian reality.

Vision Statement

The institution’s vision is to become by 2019 the first option and the best example of a technological university, nationally and internationally recognized for its high quality.

Escuela Colombiana de Ingenieria Julio Garavito - PicturesEscuela Colombiana de Ingenieria Julio Garavito - Pictures 2

Contact info #1

Diana Patricia Santoyo Suarez
+57 1 668 3600 ext 305
Director of the External Management Unit
+57 1 676 2340
AK 45 # 205-59 Bogota D.C., Cundinamarca, Colombia

Contact info #2

Martha Cecilia Pimienta Giraldo
+57 1 668 3600 ext 329
Director of the Research & Innovation
+57 1 676 2340
AK 45 # 205-59 Bogota D.C., Cundinamarca, Colombia

Professional Programs (Undergraduate)

Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito began its activities with two programs, Civil and Electrical Engineering. Throughout the years, different programs were created motivated by the needs of the country and its educational system. The institution’s undergraduate programs aside the ones already mentioned are:

• Systems Engineering
• Electronic engineering
• Industrial Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering
• Economics
• Business Administration
• Biomedical Engineering
• Mathematics

Postgraduate Programs

Specialization Programs
Due to a long experience teaching in the areas of science and technology, inherent to the Institution and the knowledge released therefrom, the University offers a variety of programs:

• Development and Comprehensive Project Management
• Design, Construction and Maintenance of Roads
• Economics for Engineers
• Structures
• Management of Industrial Production
• Integrated QHSE
• Foundations Engineering
• Polymer Processing
• Water Resources and Environment
• Environmental Sanitation
• Telemetric Business Online

Master Programs
Escuela Colombiana de Ingenieria Julio Garavito offers master programs, such as Master Degrees on:

• Civil Engineering
• Project Management
• Electronics
• Information Management
• Industrial Engineering

Continuing Education Programs

Continuing Education
The Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito enriches its academic portfolio with various non formal programs in order to offer a permanent and further professional training.

Free Programs
Designed for graduate students, professors and the community in general.  Their time of duration is according to their structure.

Certificate Program
Modular set of at least 100 hours academic courses, narrower in scope and objectives than a degree which leads to obtain a certificate. The modules consist of didactic units oriented to a deeper study of a topic or subject in a logical and sequential approach to develop career skills.

Short duration theoretical academic program aimed to a specific topic.

Practice academic program where participants acquire knowledge and develop skills from their own experience.

Academic group activity where participants, professors and researchers present and discuss a programmed topic to deepen into an area of knowledge.

Business Programs
Aimed to concentrate on specific needs of an organization and designed in accordance with the requirements of the company.

Research, Development and Innovation

The institution organises its research, development and innovation activities around the fields of action, research lines and research projects.

Institutional action fields are constituted by the interdisciplinary contribution of the large disciplinary and professional areas developed at the Escuela.  Within these fields are:

Materials, Environment & Habitat, Energy, Electronics, Information & Communication, Technology  (ICT), Technological Development, Industrial Development, Production, Quality and many others.

Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Humanities, Economics and Administration.

Currently, there are 19 research groups registered at Colciencias.

Hydraulic Studies Center
An academic and research work group with extensive experience in river engineering, which covers study, modeling and delivering of solutions to issues related to waterway navigation, dock design, dredging and rectification of river channels, sediment management and vessels´ projection, as well as with the environmental impact of different types of interventions in this type of currents.

Structures and Materials Research Group
Group that promotes study and research in structural engineering and in general, science and engineering of construction materials, including general problems of deterioration and conservation.

Environmental Study Center
Group dedicated to the study of water quality, its origin, treatment and disposal, of general management of environment issues of the air quality, management and treatment of solid and hazardous waste with pollution, sanitation and environmental engineering.

Road and Transportation Research Group
Research group dealing with movement of people and goods, operation, control and management of urban roads and highways,  traffic engineering, road safety, massive transportation systems, airports, railways, ports, pipelines and other.

Research group, primarily working in the areas of microelectronics, digital electronics, electronic telecommunication systems, factories´ automation systems, optoelectronic systems and electro systems.

Research group, primarily working in the areas of medical robotics, biomedical signals and systems, biomedical instrumentation and medical images, which associate engineering to the health area in order to solve social problems.

Socioeconomic Studies - CORPOICA
Joint venture group between the Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito and CORPOICA to conduct research in the agricultural area, particularly on technological changes.  This venture leads to the expansion of research topics adding the following : a) New rural and peasant economy b) Economics of sustainability c) Studies of competitiveness and production chains d) Impact evaluation, adoption and technological change and e) Technological prospective.

Center for Systems Management
Academic group that studies the optimization of the management support system, integrates and ensures production chains of goods and services of different business sectors.

Optimization in the Study Center
Research group, primarily working in the areas of modeling mathematics and optimization of industrial operations.  Among the most important issues is the development of planning models of control inventory and production and chain supply.

Research Business and Development Center
Group focusing on direct observation of processes, conducted within companies that systematize the best business practices and seek to implement methodologies that strengthen the development of SMEs in the country.

Production Study Center
Group that has among its objectives  to design and optimize production systems of goods and services, identifying, analyzing and finding solutions to real problems through the application of methodologies, techniques and knowledge belonging to industrial engineering in order to improve productivity and efficiency of such systems; to generate and gain knowledge to be used to support the basic functions of the Academy: training, construction and development of knowledge and interaction with the environment.

Manufacturing and Services Research Center - MSRC
Part of the industrial engineering area to improve productivity and efficiency of production systems, to generate and gain knowledge to be used to support the basic functions of the Academy: training construction and development of knowledge and interaction with the environment.

Optimization and Logistics Research Center - OLRC
Group with long years of experience that has reached scientific production highly acknowledged in the international arena.  The group bases its research on the development of support systems in decision making. The group´s practice area emphasizes on chain supply.  It also provides advice to other specialized research groups, high education government institutions, business organizations and scientific graduate and under graduate students.

Science, Technology and Computer Science Information Management - CTG - Computer
Group that focuses and streamlines construction and development of knowledge through the following research lines: Computer & Mipyme, Information, knowledge & Education Computers and Computer Fundamentals and & Infrastructure.

Research Group in Engineering Materials
Group working in the areas of: use and development of composite materials to obtain lower costs and durability; improving current material properties (greater resistance under the action of loads, environmental purposes, etc.); incorporating computing and robotics in the study and analysis of material properties, use and development of biomaterials for multiple applications; preservation of existing natural resources, sustainability of materials used and developed; recycling and use of waste materials to obtain new materials.

Group which mission is to study, investigate, propose and evaluate learning models that allow the appropriation of knowledge, actively and collectively.  Its objective is to develop high intelligence of college students and mathematical and logical thinking in problem solving.  To do this, the group uses the latest learning cognitive psychology advances, neuroscience, theories of problem solving and technology, as well as characteristic developments of basic science.

Economic Research Center
Group with extensive experience in research in economics and social sciences. The lines of interest have been identified in their research lines:  a) Public Economics, b) Macroeconomic and sectorial policy. C) Growth and Public Economics and. D) Teaching of Economics.

Based on their experience within the institutional frame, this unit participates in the development, implementation and consolidation of a project culture and project management at the Escuela and its ambiance as a contribution to human, economic and social development of the countries, their companies and institutions. As a Global Registered Education Provider (REP®) that certifies it as the first Colombian Institution registered to provide university training with Project Management Institute (PMI®) guidelines, the unit provides education, research and extension services support (consultancy and advice) in the areas of development and management of comprehensive projects to the Escuela´s undergraduate students and other institutional units. as well as to companies and international and national institutions.

Geotechnical Research Group
Group with extensive experience in research in Foundation, Environmental Geotechnics and Paving.

Electrical Energy Markets
Group with extensive experience in research in Electrical Energy, Markets´Analysis and Distributed Electricity Generation.

Educating Group
Group with extensive experience in research in Engineering Student Characterization, Teachers Training and Engineering Higher Education Quality Systems.


Some of the institutions’ customers are:


• Gran Tierra Energy
• Wood Group Colombia S.A.
• PetroTiger
• Compensar
• Itansuca
• Petrobas
• Cerrejón
• Inelectra S.A. C.A.
• Avantel
• Grupo Odinsa S.A.
• Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales
• Silvernet Ltda.
• Policia Nacional de Colombia - Dirección de Tránsito y Transporte
• Caja de Compensación Familiar Regional del Meta
• Teckinn Ltd.
• Ejército Nacional de Colombia
• Fuerza Aérea Colombiana
• Clarke, Modet & Co Colombia Ltda.
• Secretaría de Movilidad
• Fundación Fondo de Cultura de Sevilla
• Concesion Autopista Bogota Girardot S.A.
• Municipio de Nilo
• Asociación Colombiana de la Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas
• Radio Televisión Nacional de Colombia
• Asociación Colombiana de Acondicionamiento del Aire y de la Refrigeración
• Empresa Social del Estado Hospital Universitario de la Samaritana
• Asociación Colombiana para el Avance de la Ciencia
• Crosswind Project Management Inc.
• Colciencias
• Ibiscom Ltda.
• Cemex Concretos de Colombia S.A.
• Ministerio de Educación Nacional
• Fondo de Prevención Vial
• Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia

Escuela Colombiana de Ingenieria Julio Garavito

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