- Weapons & Ammunition
- Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)
JSC Central Research Institute BUREVESTNIK was established in the city of Gorki (now Nizhny Novgorod) by order №272 of USSR Minister of Defence Industry dated 2 July, 1970 as the central enterprise for Army and Navy tube artillery. The Government allots to BUREVESTNIK the following tasks: Create the scientific & technological basis for the development of Russian Army and Navy artillery and mortar systems and ensure their competitiveness at the global defence market; Scientific, research and development activities in the field of new artillery and mortar weapons development; Full-scale production of armament and military equipment. Since 2009 JSC Central Research Institute BUREVESTNIK is part of the Special Machinery Division of JSC Uralvagonzavod Corporation.
Over a period of 40 years BUREVESTNIK successfully accomplished over 400 R&D projects, manufactured and supplied to customers a number of Navy and Field Artillery systems and artillery guns maintenance equipment.
The institute’s most successful naval artillery projects are: 57mm A-220/ A-220M automatic guns; 76mm AK-176/ AK-176M automatic guns; 100mm A-190E/ A-190-01 automatic guns. AK-176 and AK-176M guns are one of the most widely spread systems in the world. Apart from Russian Navy they were supplied to a number of foreign countries. Thus, India Navy frigates are armed with A-190E guns. Russian ships are equipped with A-190-01 artillery unit.
BUREVESTNIK also developed several Field Artillery systems: 120mm 2S12 mortar system (and its modified variants); 82mm 2B24 mortar; 82mm 2K32 mortar carrier on MTLB tracked chassis; 82mm 2B25 mortar (silent mortar). Some of the products developed by BUREVESTNIK were included in the Russian Army artillery weapons maintenance system: 1I37 / 1I41 Check & Maintenance Vehicle (and its modifications); 1I39 Barrel-Bore Cleaning Machine; 2I55 Self-Propelled Loader.
BUREVESTNIK also developed several modernization programs aimed to improve the performance of the operational SP and towed systems in-service with the Russian Army and Air Assault Forces: 152 mm 2S19 SPH modernization program up to М2 level; 2S1 SPH modernization program implying its transformation to 120 mm Hosta SPH (2S34-1) with a unified set of vehicle equipment ; 120 mm 2S12 mortar systems (2S12A and 2S12B are in service now).
The company also accomplished a number of R&D programs aimed to improve the accuracy of fire and optimize the integration of firing assets, surveillance, meteo, ballistic, support systems and automatic control means. BUREVESTNIK developed norms and procedures for calculating parameters of firing accuracy, strength, ballistics, flow dynamics, technical and economic assessment of the systems under development/modernization.
Being the central enterprise for tube artillery, BUREVESTNIK developed the Comprehensive Program for Russian Artillery Weapon Development up to 2020. This Program formed the basis for the development of the State Arms Program for the period of 2011 – 2020. More than 110 employees of the company were awarded medals for achievements in artillery weapons development, 14 specialists were honored State Prize laureateship and got Russian Government rewards in the field of science and technics.
Central Research Institute BUREVESTNIK closely cooperates with more than 140 Russian companies, Russian MoD enterprises, the Research Institute of the Science Academy and universities’ applied research laboratories. Today the Research and Engineering Centre staff consists of 300+ engineers, three of which have Doctor of Engineering Science degree and 13 people have Candidate of Engineering Science degree.
The company possesses state-of-the-art production and process facilities that are being upgraded on a continuing basis. The company facilities enable us to implement the complete cycle of artillery system development. BUREVESTNIK’s experimental and Research Unit is provided with all the necessary equipment for conducting research activities in the most important work streams.
BUREVESTNIK's staff works in the integrated information environment that is also upgraded on a continuing basis. BUREVESTNIK has certificates of compliance ISO-9000 and licences for design and manufacturing of military and civilian products.
Central Research Institute BUREVESTNIK
- Sormovskoye shosse, 1a, 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
- +78312411242
- +78312415550