- C4I, Communication Systems
- Electrical, Electronics & Electro-optics
- Military, Tactical, Logistic Support Vehicles & related equipment
- Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)
- Weapons & Ammunition
The joint stock company DMD Holding located in Trenčín was established by Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic in 1995 in order to achieve positive results of Slovak defence industry restructuring. The shares of Slovak crucial industrial players were then assigned to DMD.
The Holding changed its name to DMD Fin, a.s. after the private company bought a block of shares in 1997. Whereas the title of company incorporating domestic leading producers of defence technologies switched to present DMD GROUP in 2004. Ten years later the company moved to Dubnica nad Váhom.
The sole shareholder became the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic transferring the shares from Slovak National Property Fund in 2015.
DMD controls three daughter companies employing highly specialized and talented professionals that use the modern technology to offer the tailor made products meeting the requirements of the most demanding customers, such as the Armed Forces of various countries.
DMD GROUP supervises the following companies:
The wholly owned subsidiary KONŠTRUKTA-DEFENCE, a. s. is a research and development company dealing with design, development, system integration and certification of land and air defence weapon systems, ammunition, command and fire control systems, electronic systems and other special modified bodies, wheeled and tracked chassis of army vehicles.
ZTS-ŠPECIÁL, a.s., is the another wholly owned subsidiary, possessing the technology for a complex barrel and gun production in caliber range from 30 mm up to 155 mm, including the testing and certifying of final products.
DMD GROUP owns 50% of shares of the company ZVS Holding, a.s., which deals with the development, production and distribution in the area of mechanical engineering, electrotechnics and defence industry focusing on large, middle and small caliber ammunition for military purposes.
DMD GROUP is also a sole shareholder of the limited liability company DMD CAPITAL, s.r.o.
DMD Group
- Lieskovec 575/25, 018 41 Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovak Republic
- +421 42 2852 211
- info@dmd.sk
- www.dmdgroup.sk/