Extremely Important Safe Driving Tips For Teens - New Guide Offered by Compare-Autoinsurance.Org

LOS ANGELES, April 28, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Compare-autoinsurance.org has launched a new blog post that explains how teen drivers that are safe driving can obtain lower car insurance rates.

For more info, please visit https://compare-autoinsurance.org/top-safe-driving-tips-for-teen-drivers/

Teen drivers are more likely to be involved in a car accident than any other age group. The lack of driving experience and the immature behaviors of teen drivers are the main reasons why teen drivers are involved in more accidents. Because of that, the insurance companies charge more on teen car insurance.

Teen drivers that want to pay less on their car insurance should follow these tips:

    --  Inspect the car before venturing on the streets. Before hitting the
        road, teen drivers should check the gauge levels, adjust the mirrors,
        and make sure the headlights are working.
    --  Teens should always stay focused on the road. When making lane changes
        it is important for teens to signal and to make sure that they look in
        all directions twice before they switch lanes. Teen drivers should also
        avoid texting on the phone, eating, applying makeup, or other
    --  Always wear a seat belt. Always wear the seat belt while driving. Except
        for New Hampshire, all states have seat belt laws that teens drivers
        must obey. Many studies have shown that when involved in an accident the
        severity of the injuries incurred are much less likely to be fatal if
        the driver and passengers are wearing their seat belts.
    --  Obey the speed limit. Speeding is one of the main factors for car
        crashes where teen drivers lost their lives. Respecting the speed limits
        will help teen drivers to lower their chances to be involved in car
    --  Avoid driving with other teenagers. Teen passengers are a major source
        of distraction for teen drivers, so it's better to drive alone than
        driving with teen passengers.
    --  Drive carefully during nighttime. Nighttime driving can be dangerous for
        inexperienced drivers, especially teen drivers. If a teen driver must
        drive during nighttime, he should make sure the headlights are aimed
        correctly and clean. He should also clean the windshield and slow down.
    --  Take a teen driver education course. A teen driver education course is
        extremely beneficial. This type of driving course is designed to give
        teen drivers more experience behind the wheel while an experienced
        driver guides them. Additionally, these courses can provide much-needed
        information about safety regulations that are required when a teen first
        takes the wheel. Also, many insurance companies will provide a discount
        for teen drivers that graduated a driving course.

For additional info, money-saving tips and free car insurance quotes, visit https://compare-autoinsurance.org/

Compare-autoinsurance.org is an online provider of life, home, health, and auto insurance quotes. This website is unique because it does not simply stick to one kind of insurance provider, but brings the clients the best deals from many different online insurance carriers. In this way, clients have access to offers from multiple carriers all in one place: this website. On this site, customers have access to quotes for insurance plans from various agencies, such as local or nationwide agencies, brand names insurance companies, etc.

SOURCE Compare-Autoinsurance.org