- Electrical, Electronics & Electro-optics
RF Immunity, is an Israeli company that specializes in the design and manufacture of EMI/RFI filtered connectors and other filtered modules. The company's products are based on highly advanced filtering technology and techniques, and excel with the design and manufacture of a unique filtering solution, made to meet each customer specific requirement.
The products of RF Immunity have an outstanding miniaturization and quality and they achieve perfection under extreme environmental conditions. These qualities make them ideal for a variety of military, commercial, avionic and other applications. RF Immunity's products cover diverse forms of frequency filtering: Filtered connectors, filtered units for single line as well as for multi-channel configurations, and protective devices for power supply system.
RF Immunity is well known in Israel and is a market leader with proven capacity and experience in the military, industrial and medical arenas. Israel technologically innovative markets offer an abundance of RFI/EMI challenges. These challenges are successfully met by RF Immunity with the fulfillment of all its customer requirements.
Contact info #1
Filter connector crimp termination
The connector contains filter capacitance value of 467nf and ability to withstand lightning transients based on RTCA/DO-160D section 22.
The filtered connector is based on the MS27497T12F08 (D38999/II) connector.
Product informational files
D-Type COMBO filtered connector
This connector includes 17 data pins, 2 Coax pins & 2 Power pins.
The filtering was done on the data pins, 940pF, and on the power pins, 20nF.
Working voltage is 200V and the current on the power pins is 10A.
The filtering was done without increasing the size of the original connector.
The filtered Combo connector was designed to withstand severe military environmental conditions, including: Shock, vibration, working temperature up to 105 degrees Celsius & multiple mating cycles.
Custom filtered connector for Avionic 115Vac/ 400Hz
The D38999 III 6 pin circular connector includes filters which provide attenuation of 20dB from 10 KHz and 60dB from 100 KHz.
The filter connector is used for power supply of 115Vac/400Hz and can withstand working voltages of 1000Vdc & DWV of 1250Vdc
Product informational files
Filter connector for Ethernet 10/100/1000 Base T lines
- Keeps Ethernet signal integrity
- Significant attenuation at the tactical frequency range (2MHz – 100MHz)
- Based on MIL-C-38999, Shell size 19 (Modified)
- Available in Jam Nut and Wall Mount version.
- Meets the mating side mechanism of D38999/III.
- All the magnetic and filter components are already incorporated inside
- Connecting with regular category 5 cables
Product informational files
Customer from Tactical Communication system
Provision of Audio Filtered Connector
Customer from the Defense & Missiles systems
Provision of 128 contacts filtered and Transient Connector
Customer from UAV (Unman Air Vehicle)
Provision of Plug filtered 37 contacts
Customer from Laser & Thermal system
Provision of Set of D-type filtered and Hermetically sealed
RF Immunity
- 36 Hayarkon St., 8122739, Yavne, Israel
- +972-73-2331300
- +972 73 2331325