- Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)
KONSTRUKTA-Defence, a.s. is a medium size company that offers research and development services to defence customers in the field of:
Research and development of weapon systems – artillery, mortar, rocket, sappier and aviation.
Research and development of ammunition systems – high explosive, container, sub – caliber (APFSDS), sappier, aviation (bombs), mines and special purpose.
Research and development of fire control systems for all arm versions.
Research and development of simulators and simulating technology.
Research and development of undercarriages and special super structures.
Research and development of special weapons and anti – terrorist devices.
Upgrade of the current machinery used by armies.
Training of workers in the area of special engineering (research - production).
The company’s competence and capabilities have been proven over decades of work in the defense R&D business. Products developed, modernized or modified by KONŠTRUKTA are used and appreciated by customers in Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa.
KONSTRUKTA – Defence holds the following certificates: Certificate of Quality Management System according to STN EN ISO 9001:2009 / EN ISO 9001:2008; Certificate of Environmental Management System STN EN ISO 14001:2005 /ISO 14001:2004; Certificate for Quality of Defense Standardization AQAP 2110; Certificate of Accreditation SNAS for Authorized body sktc-112 according to EN 45011:1998; Certificate of Accreditation SNAS for Authorized body sktc-112 according to ISO/IEC 17025:2005; Certificate for Competence to Perform Drafts of Codification Data; Certificate NATO Commercial and Government Entity Code NCAGE.
KONSTRUKTA - Defence, a.s.
- Lieskovec 575/25, 018 41, Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic
- +421422852240
- +421422852203
- kotadef@kotadef.sk
- www.kotadef.sk/en/